So, you’ve decided to grow begonias in your garden. What’s next? Growing this plant does not start with planting one immediately. You need to know that there is a huge selection of this plant and that you need to choose which one you would like to grow. Once you’ve made your choice, it is when you can start with the planting given that you have already acquired the seeds to plant. So, keep in mind that the procedure does not only involve Planting & Feeding Whopper Begonia.
What is the available selection of the plant then? Let’s start by giving you the popularly recommended for this year.
Begonia Whopper
It is the begonia plant described as the big daddy in the selection since it looks like it is on steroids. Hence, it is an invaluable option for your beds and borders. This begonia is also a good option if you want to use the landscape-style bedding. This works well since you no longer have to buy more plants. That is because this vigorous plant simply occupies a large area of the landscape. Plus, there’s less watering and weeding required since it hugs the ground.
Sun lovers Begonia Collection
Begonias are ideally placed on shade. The thing is there is one in the selection that loves the sun. Although it took years to breed it, it is now one of the begonias that you can choose from. It comes in almost all colors that you can find in the rainbow. It works well both when placed as bedding or in shiny spots. And it is tough given that it loves the sun.
Perfectly Pink Begonia
It is a preview of begonias you can find in the future. The flowers it produces are larger and more robust. Most of all, it is water resistant. Most begonias feature a large, open flower bloom that easily yields to downpour, but not this. It just shrugs off rain!
Apricot Shades Begonia
The Apricot Shades Begonia is one that has been around for some time now. But this not reason for you to overlook it since it is the brightest plant ideal for patio areas. Now, you can cover up those shady back and ugly corners of your patio with this plant and enhance how the area looks. It would be an easy transformation of your patio. Vibrant color is guaranteed to be showcased in your patio since its flowers neatly bloom above the leaves!
Have you chosen which begonia plant you want for your landscape. Good! Now, you do not have to do the beautifying of your landscape alone. There’s Perfect Leaf Management LLC that can provide you with landscaping professionals to make your garden more appealing! Call us anytime and we’ll be glad to respond to your needs.